Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Another day, another walk

I said a couple of weeks ago that you might be seeing quite a lot of this view as it’s something I see regularly on my daily exercise walks.

As it turns out, I’ve been walking down to the river rather less regularly than I’d planned to. The promenade is an understandably popular spot for people’s perambulations, and I’m keen to avoid other walkers as much as possible at the moment. Still, if I go early enough in the day it isn’t too crowded.

These daily walks are proving to be an important component in my daily routine and a positive factor in my overall wellbeing at the moment, so I’m very much hoping they won’t be banned due to the reckless behaviour of a minority of people.

I think I’m slowly settling into my new routine but still finding it hard to focus on work. The weekends feel much less stressful than the working week does, because the weight of expectation is lifted a little and I put less pressure on myself to achieve stuff. 

From tomorrow I’m going to be working a 4-day week which, I think, will be even more helpful. Meanwhile, my respect and admiration for all those key workers still working (often) ridiculously long shifts in (often) unsafe conditions knows no bounds. 

Michael Stipe only featured as my ‘artist of the day’ a couple of Blips ago, but here he is again, with REM, performing the aptly titled ‘Walk Unafraid’ 

Love to you all. Xx

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