Ruins at Symbister

A really windy day, but a fine sunny day too.  If it wasn't for the wind, it would have been fairly warm.  Clear skies tonight. 

Up early and off to work in the living room.  I spent the morning working with photos, and also helping Yvonne with a learning project.  I was in the garden at lunchtime, and found another nine flatworms, total 31 now.  I also saw a good healthy earthworm, it's not all loss yet.  A couple of hours work tonight, and then feet up.  Coronavirus cases up to 41 now, and another military plane arrived to take away another victim.  We also had our first Coronavirus death, although it's not been officially announced yet, so sad and thinking of the family.

I had to go and drop off things for niece Elise this afternoon, she's staying at her dad's. I snapped up the opportunity for a quiet walk while there.  My walk lead me to the old ruins of Symbister.  I'm not too sure about the history, but these houses did fill with people leaving South Havra at one point.  Long abandoned, and now ruins of the three houses are falling apart.  Taken at the Taing of Symbister, East Burra. 

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