This morning the atmosphere was very clear, so that the early morning sunshine revealed details on the mountains that are not usually seen from here. Unfortunately, being stuck at home, I was unable to go somewhere for an uninterrupted view. The nor’west wind was pushing over the mountain peaks, but those clouds went no further. The wind was warm and everything was dry.
My son began the huge task of cutting the firewood. As all the firewood I can buy is cut too long to fit in my stove every log has to have the end sawn off. I’ve been doing this for many years, but last winter I found it too much. For weeks I’ve been doing upper body exercises in hopes that I can do it again, but the chainsaw seems a lot heavier than it used to be. My son is happy to do the job, but sawing logs with my little chainsaw was one of my favourite occupations- it was so satisfying.
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