
By Houseonahill6

Up on the roof

Hibernation day 18, lockdown 15, Shieldbug 9

Windy still but some bright spells of sunshine. I went outside to water the plants with the watering can and looked up to see the pheasant on the roof, no idea why he was up so high but he must have a great view from up there.He was there for ages.
The sparrows are still going in and out of the gap under the tiles .We are going to leave them and hopefully see the young ones soon.
Mike fixed your mini greenhouse to the arbour so that it will not blow away . The wind had died down in the evening so I thought I would pop the peas outside for some fresh air, uh oh , mistake as a gust of wind caught them and blew them across the garden. I rushed out and managed to rescue them, hopefully not much damage , they look ok.
I made Rocky road/ refrigerator cake in the afternoon. Handy tip, place your bag of shopping under the front wheels of the car , drive forward and you end up with perfectly crumbled biscuits and smashed tomatoes ;)
Roast gammon and cauliflower cheese for dinner, popped some leeks at the bottom of the dish as well and it worked well.
Too cloudy to see the full moon.

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