
By Houseonahill6

And how do you do again :)

Hibernation day 19,lockdown 16,Shieldbug 10
Well it rained ALL day , non stop and the sort of rain that soaks you to the skin.I did pop on my thick coat and sat under the arbour , it was actually quite nice.Lots of birds were still coming to the garden and today I saw the male blackcap, redpolls and a siskin.
The robins were displaying to each other. It’s great to watch as the twist their necks about and push up their tails.
Nothing else happened really.I am enjoying watching Chris Packham and his Step Daughter Megan broadcasting from the New Forest every morning at 9 , except for the weekend when the internet ‘traffic’ is too busy to maintain a good link.
Today they looked at bats , small mammal traps and how to use recycling to make items for the garden. I have some old boots so must make the bird box :)
Mike’s still sifting through his bags of ‘rubbish’ ;)

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