Come into the Garden

By aprecious


"Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."
Abraham Lincoln

Pud: Maud, have you got my foot in your mouth?

Maud: Foot? In your mouth?

Pud: (raises eyebrows) Well?

Maud: You can't have a well without water!

Pud: Well?

Maud: Technically, it's not actually in my mouth. Technically, my mouth is resting on it. Gently.

Pud: Maud?

Maud: I'm not hurting it. I'm just you know....I'm just, you know, erm playing with it. A bit. Just a little bit.

Pud: Maud? Do you have a bit of a foot fetish?

Maud: Pud! Don't use those clever words with me. Don't try and blind me with all that clever stuff! Okay. Don't. Because you know it's simple. Pud.... I think I love you... There, said it.

I think I love you!

I do actually love this song, although I was a largely indifferent to David Cassidy as a young woman. I wasn't overly keen on the Osmonds either. I did have a Gary Glitter jigsaw....

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