Erythronium Pagoda

Slept soundly.....the bin men woke me up just after 8, but I drifted a while, got up after 9 ;-)

We had today all has been beautiful. Probably a bit warmer than ideal, for cutting back our biggest Thuja fir tree. You can see it in extras.....not quite finished. Believe it or not we have taken 8-10" off its girth all the way around.....our garden bin was emptied yesterday and is now full again bar a foot!!!

We broke off for a quick lunch, beans & fried egg on toast.....then back to it, to finish off the tree! We did sit a while in the sun inbetween to have a breather! I snapped a few more flowers here and there, plumped for the lovely erythronium Pagoda, just love its dipped head bobbing in breeze.

After lunch we emptied the freezer in the kitchen into the chest freezer in the garage, placed a couple of bowls of boiling water inside and left it to defrost....another job that has needed doing for a while, done!!

By 5 we had tidied everything up, put all the paraphanilia away, just in time to listen to Rishi and todays daily conference......shocking numbers overall today :-( but one or two slightly more positive signs maybe :-/

We opened a bottle of chilled white wine and had a couple of glasses as the sun went down....went in eventually, about 6.30pm.

Griddled steak, with onions, jacket potato and side salad for dinner...all very yummy!!

A bath or shower to come, my hair is full of tree bits lol......and my face feels like its caught he sun, so that will be a red,nose tomorrow for me then!! ;-)

Hope you're all well blippers, #stay safe.

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