
By Mindseye

Snowflake flower

or its Sunday name ...Leucojum. Spotted it today lighting up our shady border :-)

Another good nights sleep, but habe felt a bit tired all day today.....my arms felt ok early, but as the day has wore on they have begun to ache, not surprising really, after cutting back that tree!

Not as warm as yesterday, but still pleasant enough to spend,most of the day outdoors.
Coffee in the garden.....then I made a curried cauliflower soup, which is really nice. Thats tomorrows lunch sorted. We finished off the last lot of soup for lunch today with a tuna salad brown roll.

The afternoon was spent cleaning out the shallow drains at the end of the patio post jetwashing, we both did a stint with the hand rake on the lawn in thr front...so much dead grass and moss and not enough room in the garden bin!!!

Our meat order was delivered late afternoon, used 2 chicken breasts to make a red thai curry for dinner this evening. Put burgers and some sausage in the fridge, may have a little bbq tomorrow weather permitting! Our "lock down box" was food value for money in my opinion.

We were at the front door for 8pm together, but apart with our neighbours, lots of applause, and noise, including a pan and airhorn tonight!

Watched Questiontime to ight, what a joke it was, Fiona Bruce is not cut out for that role, imho! Then on to the last Noughts & Crosses, still not sure whether I enjoyed it or not :-/

Good news on Boris.....glad to hear he is out of ICU :-) Stay safe one and all x

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