With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Not this tree

It was a wild and windy morning. We got down to the football field to see Ben's team win their derby at home 4-1, still unbeaten. Ben was very soggy and muddy but happy when he came into the bar and his jaw was blue with cold but with a big grin. Off they went again and we walked in the deserted Port and returned for a peaceful afternoon. The sky brightened up considerably and then I had a phone call from Agu to ask for Ben's health card. He had fallen out of a tree and had twisted his ankle! I met them at the PAC to be relieved to see him hobbling but not in too much pain. He narrowly missed breaking his foot Mrs Pepperpot style and it is swollen but should be o.k. in a few days time. He will be missing out on an excursion today though poor lad. Fingers crossed. I'm glad to say this was not the tree Ben fell from.

Later in the evening we drove to Santa Maria for dinner with A and P in their great new house and had some fabulous food and a wonderful chat about all sorts, including A's great grandfather John Foster, who was a prominent Liverpool architect. There's a book I must send her, I can't wait to see the portrait of him she is about to hang and I will do quite a bit more research before a little trip we have coming up. He was responsible for some of my favourite Liverpool landmarks AKHF and mv know well... The Huskisson memorial, St. Lukes and St Anthony's, the oratory and many other well known Liverpool buildings that were destroyed during the bombings. Fascinating.

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