Moon .....
I just took this to prove I had taken notice of the night sky. Must say it was "A" who alerted me when he rang to say good night. I read yesterday that it was known as a "Pink" moon, the aura around the moon has several sparks of different colours , pinky/ purple seems to be prominent .
Another nice day, not sure what I'll do , the grass needs cutting again but I've got so many bags now , that won't change any time soon . There doesn't seem any light at the end of the tunnel at the moment . I heard on the news ( in the early hours) that there were a group of folks playing cricket yesterday! What part of " stay at home" don't they understand! I'd love to leave my garden , tho' knowing if I did and became ill someone else may too, am I fed - up ? of course I am, but the longer advise is ignored the longer this awful pandemic will continue. Is it a " rant" , maybe BUT it's true.
Enjoy your day safely folks .
Grateful .... for another fine day
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