Easter .....
...... Lilies!
This is the blip I've chosen for today ( a gift from a very special friend , thanks to blip) but at this sad occasion it couldn't have been better. Very sad that His Highness Prince Philip passed away this morning , what a shame he wasn't able to reach his 100th birthday. I was going to mow the grass this p. m. but instead am glued to the TV. It's the only way I can show my condolences, I feel I must personally pay my respects the only way I know how.
Prince Philip was defiantly his own man. For me he was honest, full of fun , always seemed to be ready for humour . At the moment I'm listening to the retired Archbishop of York ,Archbishop Sentamu who is relating the Prince's faith which seemed to be deep & true. R. I. P. sir and Rise in Glory.
Tho' to many he was a controversial figure , personally I liked him and a wonderful supportive husband in good & bad times.
I went into Sainsbury's this morning , I needed a replacement mop which I stupidly forgot on Wednesday. Then I went into the garden centre as I needed a birthday gift, must post tomorrow. I would like a new set of pots for the garden , there was some lovely ones with a William Morris design but I think they will be too heavy for me to manage. So back to the drawing board.
Do hope you've all had a good and safe day .
Thoughtful ...... at this moment of All that are bereaved & for such a lot of people not being able to share their last hours with them.
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