Cherry blossom
I decided to pop in to the supermarket to get some bread, milk and other fresh goods for the Easter weekend - I had already done my main shopping earlier this weekend but with 5 adults in the house we do run out of things like this quite quickly. I decided to go early before I walked Xena but the queue was already very long. It did move quickly though, and while control outside the supermarket is excellent with everyone keeping the required distance from each other, once you enter the store people turn into stupid mode and shop with no regard for how close to you they get as they are reaching for something. I really hate grocery shopping as one feels very much at risk.
Every year I photograph this tree, I pass it as I drive to the supermarket and I love to see it in bloom as it makes such a spectacular show. I had the wrong lens with me so will go back and get some more photos next time I am passing.
By the time I got home again it was very warm but I took Xena for a walk, I made it shorter than usual as I could see she was feeling hot. Our house has big glass doors so gets hot in the sunshine and she was so funny, trying to fit under the armchair where it was shady so that she could sleep. Eventually she was sleeping with only her head under the chair as the rest of her body did not fit.
So it will be an Easter weekend with a difference this year - we have very warm weather forecast which is great, but also not good for the idiots who still think they can drive to the coast for the day, or worse, to their holiday homes down in Devon and Cornwall. Stay home means stay home, it is not hard to understand.
Just when you thought that everyone in the house was getting on your nerves and you cannot take another minute more of them...well we probably still have another 3-4 weeks of lockdown to endure, so we had better get used to it. We are going to set up a cleaning rota and a meal rota for the weekend! It is not easy having five adults living in the house...I may have mentioned that before! On the plus side it is a time of our lives when we are all together again which is rather special, and so far we are healthy and have plenty to be grateful about.
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