The smile says it all!

It's been over a week since Eva has been down to see Jack. I've been in two minds over whether to let the kids ride (for their exercise) during the lock down. It's essential he's kept fit to avoid laminitis and obviously I can't ride him. But I can lunge him (although too much is not good for his joints). Anyway I decided to and it was clear how much they had missed each other. Jack kept asking for cuddles from her in the stable. We just went in the school and I stayed very close. He didn't put a hoof wrong. He's generally just loads more settled these days.

It's been such a beautiful sunny day. We've been in the garden a lot and Mike has done a bit of painting. I cleared all the pots up in the front garden and was pleased to see we have some flowers come again from last year as I usually manage to kill them all. Lost one of the roses though.

Kids have played together really nicely today. No idea what day it is. All the days are merging into each other.

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