Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

These two seem to have reached an agreement. If they have to stay home with each other they may as well get on!

The plants i ordered from the garden centre arrived this morning. I wasn't expecting them today. The garden centre don't normally do on-line sales so it's a bit of a lucky dip to make it easier for them. I brought the 'summer bedding pack'. Unfortunately I've got quite a few larger things that I wouldn't normally have chosen so I've been busy digging another bed this afternoon and one of the shrubs is coming out tomorrow to make space for something a bit more colourful.

We've run out of paint so the ceiling in the utility and hall will likely never be finished as it took 2 weeks for the last tin to arrive.

Lovely warm evening so had dinner in the garden - Baked camembert, homemade French bread and anti pasti and a generous helping of rhubarb gin and ginger ale. Yum.

Neds had a lazy day in the field eating.

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