Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Today's Surprise.

Thursday has been designated Shopping Day - my attempt to impose some sort of routine. TM decided that it would be a good idea to go before our Zoom session, so we were up and out early. It wasn't a great success. The shelves hadn't been restocked, I forgot my purse and my gloves, so ended up waiting in the car while he did the shopping. And we had to rush back, so there was no chance of grabbing a quick picture on the way.

Luckily, there's Abstract Thursday (thanks to Ingeborg), and today's theme was food. Since we investigated the lower regions of the freezer last week, we've been eating some original creations. Today's - frittata, with broad beans being the main ingredient. It was surprisingly good, but I've given it a wee tweak in PicsArt to abstractly it. 

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