Went to the Hermitage first thing this morning for my walk. I raced around with an overgrown Scottie type dog, then I played chase with a big Husky and then a Lurcher/Collie cross wanted to play with me. Plus, there were loads of squirrels that needed chasing. When I got home I was very, very hungry so I gobbled up all my breakfast and then went back into my bed for a snooze.

Ann went back to bed for a snooze too. She's never done that before. Hope this doesn't signal the start of a slippery slope to slobishness for my human?!! It's not like she didn't have things that she could have been doing. It's just that she couldn't be bothered to do them. Everything seems like such an effort just now. Actually that's a lie. If the sun is shining Ann is very motivated. The sun hasn't been shining in Edinburgh for the last couple of days. We are so jealous when we see all the photos on FB of sunshine and beautiful beaches & sparkly clear sea in St Ives, which is where we should be right now. …........Hopefully we will be there in a few months.

….............And what is it with everyone shopping today? We know it's the Easter weekend, but seriously?................... It's not like everyone's going to be able to have the family round for a big feast?!! Ann has been trying to shop local to avoid going out in the car. We have a good selection of local shops. There are always long queues outside Waitrose and M&S, but our little Sainsbury's doesn't normally have any queues. Ann needs bread so she said, 'Trixie, I'll pop into Sainsburys on the way home from your walk to get some.' Ann is becoming very brave re leaving me tied up outside shops. In normal times she's never liked to do that because she's always been worried that someone will steal me. I'm super friendly and would probably go off with anyone! Now that there's normally a member of staff on the door 'keeping watch', I often get tied up outside shops. Anyway today our little Sainsburys had 10 people in the queue. 10 people? Grrrrrrr................... No way was Ann going to queue to buy a loaf of bread, so she will have to be inventive and have something else for breakfast tomorrow.

…...................And after spending the whole day doing nothing, we have nothing more to report.

Happy Easter Weekend peeps. xxx

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