For the fourth day in a row I went to the park first thing in the morning. It was a bit mizzly & drizzly at 7.30am so there were only a few other lone dog walkers there no little people on bikes yay and none of the other doggies wanted to play with me so I just played at running about with sticks by myself.

No sunshine today so no sitting out on the balcony. Instead Ann tidied out her clothes drawers and I lay on the floor and watched her. She'll do the wardrobe another day because she likes to spread the jobs out so that she's got something to do each day. Lol! At the end of this lock down thing, we're all going to have the cleanest, tidiest houses ever and the charity shops are going to be overflowing with stuff. Oh and just a teeny, weeny, little rant..................... there are lots of charity shops in our local area and they've all got signs on the doors asking that people do not leave donations outside. …..............Pretty much every shop has a load of stuff outside. Just what part of, 'do not leave donations outside', do people not get? Who do they think is going to move this stuff? And as it's rained, everything is soaked through and filthy now so chances are, it's all just going to have to get thrown away. Grrrrrrrrr.............

We got our letter from Boris today. Very glad that he now seems to be improving. But seriously, 5millon to send a letter to the nation? It's not even like it's telling us anything more than what every single 'Coronavirus Ad' on TV has already told us. STAY HOME, SAVE LIVES! Personally, my human thinks that he should have just given the 5million to the NHS. Anyway Ann has pinned the letter up on our kitchen notice board, (underneath my certificate for completing an adolescent dog training course) because we've never had a letter from the PM before. It will stay there for the duration of lock down.

And talking about the duration of lock down........................ By Monday we will have done our 3 weeks. Looks like we've probably got another 3 months of this??!! But, we have to be positive. Lock down now, means we will hopefully live to see next year.

…...........And don't forget peeps...................... 8pm tonight........................ Clap for the NHS. Last week I barked for the duration of the clap. And I'm not even a barky dog. I just felt like I had to do my bit. Lol!!!

PS – My human absolutely HATES politics, but how fabulous & hard-working is the 'first minister for Scotland', Nicola Sturgeon? Of course all the front-line workers are absolutely amazing, but so is Nicola. Always there, always looking immaculate in front of her public and always in the front line for criticism. Would you want her job, because my human certainly wouldn't!

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