Lockdown Day 18 - Love and Forget-Me-Nots
After more than a week using the NHS Volunteer Responder App I finally got an alert today. I began to think it might never happen, particularly as many of my friends who were also on the system hadn't been contacted either. No immediate help required but I made contact with the person concerned and we've exchanged details and they can call me when they need me to do some shopping.
It was another glorious day. We tried a new route out from home, along a footpath that within a few weeks is likely to be so overgrown as to be impassable. That's one of the problems around here, none of the land owners have been making much effort to maintain the paths, probably because the Footpaths Officers at the council's are over stretched and unable to check up on things to make sure the work is done.
A little more cleaning and tidying took place later in the day. All of the days are now tending to seem the same. It's Friday, right?
Day Miles: 5.0 miles Total Miles: 460.5 miles
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