Came The Boss and AppleTV

The Boss has a habit...Its getting up early in the morning to gaze out the window. Especially at our Wellington apartment as the apartment faces North East and you can get to see the sun rising from the comfort of The Boss’s favourite chair. (Big yello cushions and swivel).
AND todays pic was NOT an iPhone. It was his LUMIX TZ220 with it’s big zoom lens. 
Do you know about AppleTV. Its a box thingie that connects your TV to the internet BUT more importantly it also connects your TV to your photos and turns your TV into an amazing  photo frame for your living room. The AppleTV instantly updates from your phone or iPad automatically.
A modern TV uses about 100 watts (same as an old fashioned light bulb) of electricity so at say 20 cents a kilowatt hour thats 2 cents an hour or $3,36 a week if say you left your TV going all the time as an Art frame and never turned it off. Thats half a cup of coffee a week.
So that brings us to todays extra.  
If you pre sort the pics into a seperate folder this is a wonderful way to share pics and revisit those wonderful moments in your past photographic world OR have a roaring log fire in the winter months. There’s an App for that!
Of course you can still use your TV for the daily news and go to bed depressed.


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