Early Morning Exercise

Lockdown Day 19

I was awake just after 6am so got up and went out for an early morning power walk at the beach.  I timed it well as there was one of the lowest tides that I've seen so I walked on the sand not caring that my feet were getting wet inside my trainers.  Luckily they're fabric trainers so I could put them in the washer when I got home.

It was a beautiful start to the day and there was hardly anyone around, just a few joggers, cyclists and a few other walkers like me, but everyone kept to a safe distance.  Once I'd taken a few photos, I power walked back along the sea front - I saw a police car driving slowly but they didn't bother about anyone exercising, they're obviously looking for people just sat on the beach which is a good thing.   

I got home just as Alan was waking up, so I cooked breakfast for us both and then Alan set to fitting the new oven, which turned out not to be that simple!  Even though he'd checked the measurements before ordering it, what we didn't realise is that the back is a completely different shape to the old one so the gas pipe to the hob was stopping it from sliding all the way in.  So after many adjustments, lifting the oven in and out again, he realised that if he could lower the height of the shelf the oven sits on, then he'd be able to get it in.  It took a long time, but it's done and looks great.

Once he'd finished with my help, I went and got in the hot tub - I think I'll be using it a lot this weekend!  The only thing is that where we've put it at the side of the house, it only gets the morning sun, so it was in the shade, but that's fine - it's more private and more sheltered.

V.I.P., our local Italian restaurant, sent a text a couple of weeks ago to say that as we can't go to them, they will bring dinner to us, so we decided to order a meal last night.  It's great and I hope lots of locals will use their service as it'll help to keep them in business.  We ordered, paid over the phone, chose a delivery slot and when the driver arrived he phoned me to say that the food was on the door step.  Such a brilliant idea and we had a lovely meal. Then it was into the Palace to listen to Chris Moyles DJ set night which is now our regular Friday night date night.  

Anyway, I hope you all have a happy Easter weekend, albeit slightly quieter this year, but I think the Easter bunny will still be able to visit the children :-)

Today there was an increase of 980 Covid deaths which is the highest number in one day taking the UK's total 8,958.  I spoke to my cousin yesterday and he told me that Kate one of his daughter's who is only 21 is working on a Covid ward and that they were expecting a number of transferee's but sadly they didn't make it :-(  Rachel's friend is a funeral director, and she said they're thinking of opening the crematorium 24 hours as they can't deal with all the bodies, and the local council has rented the local ice rink!

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