David Broon Tractors

It was raining this morning, and then light drizzle showers throughout the day.  Fairly breezy this morning, and picked up in the afternoon.  The odd sunny spell, but cold.

Weekend off work, and no where to go.  The morning was spent around the house, and then headed down to mam's with errands this afternoon.  Walkies with Sammy this evening, and now feet up by the fire.  I can't even be bothered with a glass of wine tonight.  We'll all come out this lockdown a peerie bit healthier.  I've lost 9lbs since lockdown started.

I had a walk around mam's when I was down, a sneaky extra walk for Sammy, and he was needing it.  These old David Brown tractors have been here all my life, and will be for a long time to come.  My granddad Maikie bought them in the late 1950s, but they weren't up for much, so by the late 60s, he dumped them over the banks. This was a common practice throughout the isles, and thankfully stopped in the late 80s.  I have tried to clear the ropes and tires, but they are all tangled up, and can't move with the sheer weight on top.  Taken below mam's at Aith, Cunningsburgh.  

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