Spanish Lavender with Bee

It was supposed to be warm today after the fog (marine layer) burned off, but it never did. It is now late afternoon and still cold and dreich. My spell check freaks out every time I use that word and attempts tirelessly to change it to something else...but I persist, because it is such a perfect word.

That put paid to sitting on the porch and
watching the birds or anything but the briefest and most unmotivated of walks. I found these charming little furry bumblebees swarming all over the lavender down at the bottom of the driveway where I found John capering on the slope in antic fashion because he had just sat on an anthill!

Dana ventured out to the nursery where they were letting six people at a time into what is deemed an ‘essential’ business, presumably because it is ‘agricultural’.
She dropped off a few plants for John which will keep him out of trouble for a few days. By then maybe his seeds from the seed company in Oregon will have arrived. Unlike so many brick and mortar businesses which are facing ruin, the mail order and online businesses cannot keep up with the high demand.

Such was the excitement at the beginning of our fifth week of sequestration.

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