The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Soggy Boggy Bottom...

After the snow came the droves! The next door neighbours at Boggy Bottom have the boggiest, soggiest bottoms and the fields around the cottages are flooded beyond belief. I preferred the white stuff.

The morning walk was wet. I wanted to take the girls for a long walk but Lottie's still-poorly shoulder put those plans out the window. I've pootled about the house, doing a zillion jobs on the list, but I have a feeling of emptiness. I really miss you.

I spoke to Bex tonight and she sends her love. We nattered for about half an hour, it was fab. She sounds really well and has her house sorted for next year in Norwich with two friends - and in the centre of town. She's happy! Talked to Q too - he is equally as well and is looking forward to a Christmas Everest trek with us - time to start planning!

I hope you have a lovely week, I'm already looking forward to speaking to you next weekend.

And now...I am going to have a glass of wine with my fish! ;0) x

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