The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Bloody wind

It's windy. Hence the catastrophe in the garden. No idea how it managed to lift the garage and the weight off the ground but it nearly killed me to try and get it down. I've had to collapse it as I'm not strong enough to move it on my own. It will have to stay collapsed on the floor until Mum and Dad come up again. There is a slight bend in one of the front legs but I'm sure you can mend it. It narrowly missed hitting the BMW. I nearly died!

Busy day. Got tonsils like golf balls and feel rotten. Had a three and a half hour meeting this morning which didn't help! Lottie saw the vet tonight and she has some little tablets which should be miracle workers. Fingers crossed.

Let's hope the wind calms down and the rain stops otherwise the cottage might end up down the road!x

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