Easter Sunrise

Easter Sunday 12th April 2020

Well, I managed to get up and out in time for the sunrise. As I walked to my chosen spot there was a red glow in the sky and I was excited in anticipation of a spectacular sunrise. At first it was an anti climax as a bank of cloud covered the area the sun was to appear. Time ticked on and I started to return home to get ready for the service. 

However the mist in the fields caught my eye and I started to take time to photograph some of the mist and the details. After a while I realised the sun had popped up and I hadn't noticed it, so I went back for a few more shots. I was really pleased with the selection I got - see extras for some of them.

Back home I worked quickly to include a slideshow of the sunrise in my service. I had everything ready and in place just before the entry to the service started. This time we had 44 connections and 59 people, including my friend from the Bahamas! It was 5.30am there so she truly was at a sunrise service. 

It all went well but I was exhausted afterwards. A bit more work this afternoon and now it is time for me to have a few days break, except for the occasional service you know where.

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