Caravan Flower.

Another day much like the previous! A day spent outside again, the weather has certainly made lockdown easier than it might have if it had been raining.

My blip is a flower that we bought many years ago at the Manchester Christmas market. It’s made out of an old caravan carcass, I loved this guy’s stand, so talented. Sadly haven’t seen him of late at the market. Every few years it needs a coat of fresh paint, he told me the paint I needed to use - glass paint. So, that was another enjoyable task done!

Spoke to my friend Marian in Worcester, she said she went out into her garden and all she could hear round her was lawnmowers, strimmers, hammering and all kinds of DIY sounds. People like to be busy, and God willing once we get through this we will be a very well maintained and tidy country!

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