Pre-Sunset sky

We popped out to drop off Easter Eggs then on to have a bit of exercise. We saw our youngest granddaughter and her Mummy and Daddy at a distance, it was difficult, and was hard earlier as Rafe said while were were on the phone ‘see Granny and Grandpa?’ Mummy said no we’re not allowed after explaining for quite a while Rafe said ‘mean Mummy!’ Which was upsetting, we told him the police said we can’t go to each other’s house because we have germs, no germs! He said. I shed a few tears, but soon, we will be able to hold and kiss them, yes it’s tough now, but it will change.
So in extras I have a picture of Rafe eating an ice lolly he had trodden in some unseen cat poo, so Mummy had to put on boots, but did he care? No he just looked like a ‘hillbilly’

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