
For the first time in decades I had a lie in on a Easter Sunday. Normally there is an early morning garden service. It used to be at dawn but is now at 7am. Most years it is dry. It is then followed by breakfast including bacon rolls: last year there were vegetarian versions!

this year there was a service on the website. I then joined our youth worker in a zoom meeting with some of those in the 12-16 age group.

It was nearly noon before I got out to the greenhouse. A final clean of the glass then I started pressure hosing the trays before slowly putting everything back. Seedlings and plants all back ahead of the night frost (1oC forecast). Everything else still out on the grass while I work out where on earth I put it all.

In the sunshine this morning these pansies looked to have their eyes closed.

Increasing number of sad stories of deaths of people of all ages. Some may have arisen naturally like Stirling Moss. Some untimely like Tim Brooke-Taylor. I grew up watching the Goodies, listening to I’m sorry I’ll read that again and the more “recent”. I’m sorry I haven’t a clue. A terrific entertainer whose comedy and wit will be missed.

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