Eventful ride!

First thank you everyone for the stars and hearts for yesterdays heron

I very nearly didn't go out with the club today, but knew that it would do me the world of good - physically and mentally. It certainly was an eventful ride.

At the start Amy commented that she couldn't get any more air in her tyres. Rising to the challenge Mr PB and Dave who wanted to try out his new pump, took a tyre each. Moments later Dave had snapped of the valve of the inner tube, inner tube no 1 for Amy.
Later she noticed a slight bulge in her back tyre. Bang! The blowout was inevitable, inner tube No 2 and the loan of a folding tyre. Half the group hadn't noticed we had stopped so I phoned Mr PB. He singled and pulled over to answer his phone only for someone to swerve round him and collide with Maggie, who, apparently flew through the air and landed on the other side of the road on the verge. Thankfully she was ok just shaken.

As we rode to catch them up a fallow deer ran out and went between Mr PB and Phil. Lucky the other 7 in the field did not follow, it was reminiscent of the Youtube clip. Finally got to tea where Amy announced she had a puncture - inner tube No 3!

Thank goodness the ride after tea was quite ordinary, and I tried out my handle bar clamp for my camera. Not that impressed as most of the shots (and I took loads) were a bit blurry, but it was good fun. Nearly as much fun as riding through two lots of flooded roads.

Got home to hear from Amy that her front tyre has a bulge in it to! That girl needs and has bought new tyres! Fantastic ride otherwise!!

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