EEB - Emergency Easter Blip

I'm backblipping as I felt too grotty to post this pic last night, it's also why it's such an emergency blip!
We had a quiet Easter, like most people I imagine! We managed to tune in to all 3 Sutton Baptist church services which was special! Nice to see your face there Mishkid! We also watched a great kids film called The Miracle Maker - definitely recommend it. It led to a lot more conversation with Asha which was good. 
Easter bonnet competition news...a gorgeous little boy won the competition! Later John (our friend who was hosting) text saying Asha fell victim to being their close friend so couldn't win, but she'd been their secret winner so he was sending her a secret prize, ha! He's so kind!
The rest of the day included treasure hunts and family quizzes.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Easter.
2) Danny setting the kids up with a treasure hunt.
3) Vicks, cough medicine, honey, bed. 

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