Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Duck, seems so many around....

....but it's probably the same ones flitting here and there.
I hauled my sewing machine out of the wardrobe again as I found more sewing projects. It would be rather nice to have different workspace tables, dream on...
Although I always keep a good stock of tea bags (only ever Nambarrie) I had been worried earlier that my supply might run out and I am trying very hard to limit my shopping expeditions. 
Well, I never did the maths properly. 
Who would believe that no more visits from Donald and Luke would mean that the tea isn't running out hardly at all, and I do drink a lot myself. 
I've noticed this phenomena with other foodstuffs - I can leave out soft fruit, tomatoes, and many, many other things without them disappearing in a wink of an eye. The fridge is not being raided, I miss that!
I'm going to put on an extra picture and if anyone can recognise this little birdie I'd like to know. He came happily bobbing around at my feet and at first I thought it was a sparrow that had landed unlucky from some flying seagull but then realised they were white feathers on it's head.

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