Dead wood....

Dry but decidedly chilly.
Managed to get yesterday’s 2 newly calved cows and their calves through the gate into the banking behind the steading. They can stay there for a day or two until I’m sure they are doing ok , then I’ll bring them in to get tagged.
Kev on mucking out so left him to it and went next door with Littlemiss for a trailer load of silage and to strip more tyres off the silage pit and roll the plastic sheet back a bit further.
Then we went to check the cows again before tea time.
It was a bit warmer when the sun came out and out the wind. We sat and watched a couple of deer grazing then another 3 disappeared over the fence.. The gorse is just starting to bloom and brighten things up. There was a wee skylark singing it’s heart out, one of the most beautiful sounds I know, and for a brief moment I was almost contented with life ! One thing about lock down, it’s a lot quieter. No aeroplane noise,and no traffic noise over the weekend apart from the occasional motorbike and boy racer in the distance .
This tree has been dead for years now but refuses to fall down. Tried cutting it down once but it was rock hard so gave up . It has an eerie sort of beauty to it.

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