
By FarmerGirl

Sun rising on the farm

It's 8.20am, and the sun was just coming over the hills and shinning down on the farm. The mist was rising from the ground, and it looked just lovely. It's already 14.6 degrees C - it is going to be another hot day.

This photo shows our cottage (we use for holiday accommodation) now the painting has been finished - and what a wonderful job the painters have done. The painters are staying in it for the week, while they work on other houses around the area. The neigbours balage is in the background - what a big job they have ahead of them getting all that out of the paddock and stacked.

We have a busy day ahead of us also. Farmerboy is getting a few things organised on the farm at the moment, before heading up to our lease block to bring the hay baled yesterday, home to our sheds. I will milk at 11.00am while he does this, and then this afternoon when the hay is in the shed, Farmerboy has to start turning the hay here on the home farm, that was cut yesterday. Busy, busy.

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