LD 22 What was I doing....

...40 years ago tonight at the end of the first day of the very first Celtic Media Festival  which I had invented, programmed, organised and  toured the Celtic nations promoting whilst running the Cinema Sgire project in the Western Isles. 

I suspect I was in the Creagorry Hotel on Benbecula,  a little amazed still that it had all happened,  and  having a drink with some of the delegates before heading out to a screening , probably with Cathleen to whom I had been married for all of a fortnight.

Anyway I  am absolutely sure that  I didn't expect forty years later to the day to be locked down during a pandemic nor to be an MSP (because there wasn't a Scottish Parliament then - in fact it was still almost 20 years away) nor  sitting as I was tonight looking down at silvery Loch Riddon in the last of the sunshine and reflecting on that event and everything that has flowed from it.

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