
By RicsPics

Slow Day

A slow day today, nothing much to report. Planned to start Kafka but never did. Did a food shop, made spicy chicken wraps for tea - was very proud of my marinade it was lovely. It’s great to have all of this time to make meals - I’ve not cooked so much ever. I’m so used to just grabbing food on the go with the type of work I do. I’m going to keep looking online for recipes and try new meals - cooking and preparing meals properly is something I will 100% continue to do after “lockdown”.

FaceTimed my young Niece who is learning the Ukulele! I have to call her back tomorrow night so she can deliver her first “live concert” she assures me.

We had a zoom management meeting this afternoon and now I’m just trawling Netflix for a good film and enjoying a brew. (I’m probably drinking 6/7 cups of tea a day... which isn’t good for me, but it’s better than 6/7 cups of wine!).

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