A squirrel tale
This ultra closeup shot of a Grey Squirrel tail was my shot of the day on the Camera Trap. I have three options with lenses, one use it as is for a wide and distant view focusing from about 3-4 feet away or use a close up lens that focuses at about half that distance and ultra closeup lens which focuses at about 9 inches. This was my first attempt with that lens and this the only beast that came close enough.
I will try again sometime and bait the correct distance with bird seed for an increased chance of Nuthatch etc.
In Lockdown news we managed to get a Supermarket delivery so that takes the pressure off us for a while.
The National Statistics people really need to get their act together to make sure that the public understand what is really happening. The most telling graph to me was the one that showed the record of ALL deaths registered in the latest Week on record way above the norm and the highest weekly number they have seen since recording (started in 2005) The ALL deaths one is the best one because it not only shows those known to have had Covid19 related deaths (anywhere) but will also reveal the group of deaths adding to the increase for any reason ... probably many of those have been caused by Covid19 in some way but not recorded as such initially (increased testing they will add to them to the main group)
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