Look how happy and bouncy I am today. I know we've been moaning well my human has for the last three weeks about how busy the Edinburgh parks and dog walking spaces have become during lock down. Ann is continually ranting about how busy everywhere is with people, (who have probably never exercised in their life) doing their one bit of exercise a day. It stops me having 'run about time' so I've just been trekking around the streets on my lead for a lot of the time.

However............................... one just needs to be a little bit inventive with one's walks. The golf courses are now closed so we can walk on the golf courses. And the golf courses are HUGE and fabulous. And rabbits live in the gorse bushes on the golf courses. And Edinburgh is full of golf courses. Yay!

This afternoon we walked on the 'Braidhills Golf Course'. There were a lot of other people walking there, but to be honest the course is so big, that there was plenty room for all of us. (see extras) We passed a family of six (with a little spaniel) playing cricket (or rounders) and I zoomed over to them to try to steal the ball. But...................... when Ann squeaked my squeaky ball and shouted, 'Trixie come', I went zooming back to her. They were well impressed with my recall. So was Ann. There were also quite a few people just sitting down enjoying the sunshine. No sign of any police to move them on. …............Think the police must be concentrating on the 'popular walking spots'. …......And yes there were signs up at the entrances saying that people should not stop to eat or drink and the area was for exercise only.

Anyway, Wednesday has become Ann's favourite day of the week because Wednesday is the day that she does a shop for Mrs R. On a Wednesday Ann has 'an essential reason' to go out in the car so off she pops to Aldi cos Tesco always has queues a mile long and does Mrs R's shop and stocks up on wine stuff for herself too. It's the one day in the week when I get left 'home alone'. And I have to say................ I haven't forgotten the routine. When Ann says, 'Trixie, I'm going out', I just go into my bed in the kitchen. How good is that?!

Oh and if any of you Edinburgh Blippers need any help with shopping or if you would like Ann to take your dogs out for a walk with me; we'd be more than happy to help. Just let us know via BLIP and we'll get in touch with you.

#staysafe #safehappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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