Dr Jones

By jones

Daily exercise

I didn't wake up until 8:00 AM. I went downstairs and made a cup of tea for Ben and myself. There were a few messages from the street running group and some people had been out running very early so that made me drag myself out of bed and go for a run. I was determined to beat my 5K time from last week so I could try and maintain being at the top of the League table. However, as I'm so slow I probably will end up at the bottom. It's a really nice day and I did manage to knock off a minute from my 5K time. I run a different route and sort of got lost so I ended up doing an additional 2 1/2 kilometres.
I spent the rest of the day marking course works. Ben went for a walk before dinner and Penny went with him on her bike. Whilst they were out, Bibi cooked dinner. She made enough for an army.

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