By lizzie_birkett


...the curtains.
Frank brought all the boat curtains home for washing yesterday. I've done the saloon ones but the bedroom ones need attention. When I made them I trimmed them with this red cotton lace. Well, one of us left the bedroom porthole open in bad weather and the driving rain made the colour run into the curtain fabric. I've spent ages unpicking it - why did I use such a small stitch? Anyway, it's done now and I've ordered new lace from Ebay.
Actually, it was quite good just sitting unpicking without having to concentrate on anything other than the tight stitches being ripped out.

I've been having a bit of an off day today and feeling both irritable and emotional.

Irritable - because it's been really windy and I hate being outside in the wind. I decided it was time to pot the tiny lobelia seedlings on. I did it with a teaspoon as there are too many to do individually, so spoon by spoon I transferred them to fibre pots on a tray. I had done most of them, when a big gust of wind came and blew the whole tray off the wall and they all fell out!
I think the neighbours must have heard me!
I had a delivery of more seeds today so I sowed, parsley, basil and spinach.

Emotional - for a few reasons - seeing an online NHS choir on ITV news singing Bridge Over Troubled Water while they showed pictures of those who had died, including the young pregnant nurse who's baby was delivered alive by C section.
It broke my heart. I know, I shouldn't have watched the news but up till then it was just about the updates and actually I was in the kitchen washing up but then I heard the singing and it stopped me in my tracks.
I miss our Grandchildren so much, I know I'm not the only one, there are thousands of grandparents and children in the same boat. It really hit home when someone asked a question on the live Corona Update and said they were worried they might not see their Grandkids till next year. Really?!!! Nobody actually reassured her that she would.
Another reason is simply that I'm scared as I'm sure most of us are.

I feel a bit more cheered just now as most of our street was out clapping at 8pm. We clapped from our bedroom window upstairs and Bella May was really excited to see the neighbours and Frank clapped her paws for her :-D

I'm going to do Yoga Nidra now and then settle down for the night.

Sorry for being a misery, I hope you are all coping OK.
I'll be better tomorrow. I'm going to sew and take my turn at making dinner. No, it won't be salad!

Goodnight. :-|

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