And I will Fix You...

Lock Down Day 24

Tonight was my weekly exercise. 

Bicept stretches. 

Clapping for the NHS - Tooli and I run to the door at 205950 seconds, throw the door open and make sure we get the clap in. 

One clap starts everyone else... It's becoming a meeting point for the neighbours - they are all out.  We all wave, we all cheer  and we all are in awe of the work of the essential workers, especially those who put themselves in the line of the virus. 

There's a lot of this New World I don't like, but there's a lot about it I do like. 

I spend most of my first half hour awake in tears listening to stories of kindness, fund raising, of life, and of death. 

It's an exhausting time right now.  All we can do is deal with one thing at a time.  

The first thing - is to keep yourself safe. 

The second thing - is to make sure, those you love around you are also safe. 

the third thing - is to do what you can, safely to make sure everyone else is okay. 

the fourth thing -  is to make your day full of variety so that being in the house or in the garden starts to feel like a trap. 

Plan your day out - 
write letters, 
Do a jigsaw
write poems, 
colour in. 
Plant seeds
weed a tiny little bit of your garden at a time.  
Colour your hair.  
Cut someone elses hair :;-)  
Groom your cat like a monkey 
Groom your daughter like a monkey. 
Feed the birds. 
Take photos graphs. 
Reach out to someone you lost touch with. 
Smile at people out taking their exercise that they have never taken before. 
Dead head flowers (heaven that is so therapeutic.
Draw hopscotch on the pavement and smile as you watch people playing. 
Crochet a NHS Worker Bear. 
Remember - it could all be so much worse. 

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