Windy ....
.... morning.
After a cool but lovely day yesterday the temperature has dropped considerably and the wind is blowing . This Cherry Blossom tree is in my neighbours garden. I had intended to snap it but hoped for sun ( not to be ) I hope it's stays for a while longer it's so beautiful and cheers you up.
My daughter and grandson came this afternoon with my shopping . K had also managed to get a few plants for me too. As it has started to rain they will wait for another day.( hope I'll have time to put them in!!!) . We had a chat which was good for the soul. Apart from a few phone calls to various companies nothing much to report . Only the exciting thing was putting the shopping away , so after a wipe with spay bleach and left out to air I successfully stored them in the appropriate places. What an exciting life I lead at the moment. Things I'd intended didn't get done today, tomorrow is another day so will complete these then.
Sad news last night as my granddaughters God Father died, after a long illness but eventually succumbed to the Coronavirus . RIP Malcolm and rise in glory my thoughts and prayers are with the family.
Stay safe everyone
Grateful ..... for all the attention I'm receiving .
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