Mahonia in the .....
...... sun.
It's such a beautiful day, so pleased on this sad sad day the Duke of Edinburgh Prince Phillip can have as good a send off as possible in these Covid days. As I'm watching at the moment it's a spectacular sight.
I took this shot ( blip) as I thought the trees just looked wonderful in the sun. I've put washing on the line and am sure it will dry.
Couldn't believe that at 8.50am it was only
3 oC ! I went to the hairdressers at this time, my word what a lot was chopped off. Lighter & neater now, not going anywhere today but I'll say I had it done for the funeral. ( I'm sure that would have coursed P. Phillip to laugh/ smile!! )
I shall have to give the few plants a little water later , the ground is so dry. I've planted Sun Flower seeds this afternoon. I've got 2 buckets ( given to me as gifts) of Sweet Peas & Cornflowers both of which are about 4 inches high. They're still indoors not sure about putting them out yet.
Do hope everyone is having a wonderful safe day whatever they are doing. I'm watching this very poignant part of the funeral , beautiful music played by the military bands.
Have a good evening folks.
Thoughtful ...... about all the preparation
that goes into these occasions & even more so in the climate & pandemic. Well done everyone who are involved.
THANK YOU for your services over the Years.
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