Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

At Edinburgh Airport Again!

Hi everyone!

Today, my dad took myself, Craig, Declan and my Papa to Edinburgh airport, for the first time in ages! We were there for about 15 minutes, but it was a little dark for my camera, and it doesn't zoom in very well - perhaps I should get a tripod. Anyway, it was the first time Declan has been, and we were both very excited. No-one else was, but we both like planes, so yeah.....

After the airport, we went down to Tesco to get some sweets, as we were watching The Hunger Games (for me, the 4th time!) when we got home. I still think the book is better. It goes into so much more detail, and it is a lot more graphic. Can't wait for catching fire to come out in November though!

At school tomorrow, me and Bianka will be going to Badminton club after school. It should be fun, and my dad will drive her home at the end - it finishes about 5, and he's picking us up at about 5:15, so we have a little bit of waiting time. Hopefully this'll mean our friendship will get even stronger!

Hope you all have a nice Monday!

Steven :)

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