Dr Jones

By jones

Working from home

After over an hour and a half lying in bed, I eventually dragged myself out and went for a run. I hadn’t really planned on a long run but ended up doing 10km. That’s my second ever 10km. I should have eaten something before setting out. I was aching a bit so I decided to have a bath to soak my muscles. I’m not a big fan of baths and when I got out, I was hot and bothered. After lunch, I popped out to the supermarket. Bibi said that she was going to come with me but then changed her mind as she was going to do some DIY with Penny. I don’t know what they did. It was raining by the time I got to the shop and I had to queue in the rain. Penny and Bibi cooked dinner whilst Ben and I played ‘gin rummy’.

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