My Rainbow Effort!
I was inspired by Mountainbrew to dig out my prayer flags and let them flutter!
Managed to dig over the intended bean bed after doing the hens, then off for oscars playdate. I got another Easter Egg! I'd given Ivy's Owner eggs monday so he bought me a proper Cadburys Easter Egg with a mug and mini eggs too! I don't think I've had this many easter gifts since being a child! My staff used to buy me one which always touched me. Ivy's owner and I then had a good old grump about our physical state - he'd overdone it trying to shore up the decaying wood in his garage roof and I was feeling it in my hip from the digging and bash on same leg! We walked round the field both wearing sun hats and using walking sticks - although the latter are also used to fend off the two dogs when their play gets too close for comfort! What a couple of old codgers!
Once home I surprised myself by sowing the seeds that need starting at home before making their way to the allotment! All done apart from sweetpeas and californian poppies! So squash, cucumber, aubergine, red pepper, brassicas, leeks, first of the kohl rabi and fennel and Zinnias and sunflowers! Also potted on the two tomato plants - I don't know why I bought the two cherry variety from the garden centre - I put it down to panic buying as I'm never too successful growing them no matter where and how I try growing them! Now comes the fun part of inspecting the trays every day to see what has taken!
Of course after doing all this in the heat of the midday sun I was left with a headache which saw me finally take to my bed early!
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