One of the positive things to come out of this lock down thing, is the fact that I'm going on quite a few walks in new and exciting places. All our normal dog walking routes are absolutely mobbed with the whole of Edinburgh doing their daily exercise. At the beginning of lock down this really annoyed my human. She couldn't understand why people (who had probably never exercised before in their life) wanted to take up jogging & cycling & walking dogs (that had probably not been further than their back garden before). And just don't get her started on the number of little kids that were getting taken to the park to learn to ride their bikes with stabilisers on. During week one Ann was getting quite stressed that there was no where to let me off my lead. I was getting trekked around the streets on my lead because the streets were a lot quieter than the dog walking places.

Fast forward to almost the end of week four and Ann has become very resourceful. She may not be very motivated re her own life but she's trying to keep my life as normal as possible. And that means I need time off my lead for a good run about. I often go to the park first thing in the morning and we've also been spending quite a bit of time on the closed golf courses which are fabulous huge open spaces where I can run.

This afternoon I went to another new place................... The fields in between the Hermitage of Braid & the Braid Hills Golf course. What a great place to walk. I have no idea why Ann hasn't taken me there before. I guess it's cos I always walk in the Hermitage. Obviously there were a few other people there but they were mainly lone/couples dog walking. No joggers, no cyclists. Yay! I had the bestest time ever.

However............................... you know how my human loves to RANT................ we had to pass the entrance to the 'Hermitage' to get to the start of my walk and just look how many cars were parked there (see extras - I have absolutely no idea why it won't post the correct way up?!). 16 to be precise! On Easter Sunday there were only 4. What part of, 'do not drive to go for a walk', do people not get? It's probably different if people live in smaller communities but seriously.................... Edinburgh must be the best city in the UK for having open spaces that are accessible to all. And obviously Ann being Ann, had to research this a bit further, so when we got home out came the map of Edinburgh. As far as Ann can see; every single home in Edinburgh is within a half mile walk, or less, of an open space or a traffic free walking location. So nobody should be driving anywhere to do their daily exercise. How can it be exercise if you're going in the car to do it. After all if it's taking you less than 10 mins to drive there, why can't you just walk? We all want to come out of this lock down ASAP but when so many people seem to be breaking the rules, it's not likely to happen any time soon.

Anyway RANT over.................. When we were walking home a police car passed us heading up to the Hermitage so hopefully they were going to have serious words with the idiots who were parked there.

#staysafe #stayhappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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