I went to the park first thing this morning and just look who I met................. This very friendly Golden Retriever. I've met him before but I don't even know his name (because our owners are always too far apart from each other to have a chat). Anyway, he's great. He likes running around as much as I do so we're always allowed to have a play together. This morning we ran around so much we got very hot and thirsty so had to continue our game of chase in the burn.

Ann thinks the fact that we are together 24/7 has increased our bond together. She put a lot of time & effort into my training when I was a weeny, teeny, puppy, but sometimes when I was playing I didn't bother coming back when she shouted, 'Trixie come', because I wanted to continue playing. Now when I'm playing and Ann shouts 'Trixie come', 99% of the time I go zooming back to her because I've had a nice play and I know that she just wants to give me cuddles & treats before letting me go off to play again. The only time I don't come back immediately is if I'm chasing squirrels or rabbits.

Oh and just a teeny, weeny, little RANT from my human now....................... Is anyone else getting really fed up with all these ads that are popping up on Facebook for FREE online courses? There's nothing FREE about them. Grrrrrr................. Ann would love to do a FREE online course. She slobbed about on the sofa this morning and watched 2 hours of 'Classic Eastenders'. BUT every time she signs up to do a 'FREE' course she gets to the end of the registration form and all of a sudden they want her card details because after the initial 'FREE COURSE' they then want to take at least £50 per month from her. Fortunately my human is quite savy?! Soooo...........Errrrr no.................... It's not happening?!!! And now, she's getting loads of emails saying that she hasn't completed her registration. Obv she just deletes them. It's really annoying. Nobody is working, nobody has any money and still these companies think they can make money out of lonely people. If they have a 'FREE' course for a month or so................... Great. Let our humans sign up for it for FREE without committing them to another 24 months of paying £50pm+ for so called access to hundreds of courses that they don't actually want access too. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr........

#staysafe #safehappy #staystrong #wewillgetthroughthistogether #itwontbeforever #thistimenextyear

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