CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

By the Banks of the Dichty Burn

A beautiful day but still a chill wind

An interesting morning, with a phone call from a man whom I had married to a 92 year old lady from our church 9 years ago. She is 100 now but has severe dementia and he is finding it incredibly hard to cope. This is especially so, now that he cannot go into the Home because of the virus.

He just needed to talk as he felt so alone and distressed. I prayed with him and he was comforted. I must admit my heart was breaking, because the lady was so lovely and a good friend.

In the afternoon, I had a Zoom call with my friend who is ill, and then tried to set up my Ugandan Pastor friend with Zoom, but he had technical difficulties. We will try again.

Later, we went out for another circular walk along unfamiliar paths, which turned out to be 4.4 miles long. The highlight was this view from a bridge over the Dichty Burn - very pastoral. Returned home happy but tired.

Now watching Phantom of the Opera - fantastic music.

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