
By Stace91

Stranded Magpie

After Cyclone Oswald hit Queensland, New South Wales is now experiencing a lot of heavy rain and winds. This fella keeps appearing on the balcony trying to escape the wet weather. The closest I will get to one of them, behind a mesh screen and glass, so brave! ;-)

And although I can't stand magpies... sorry to all you animal activists out there, and before you tell me "It's just how they are", "They can't help it"... I know, I did Science, I understand The Food Chain, and Survival of the Fittest and Darwin... but it is no excuse to try and peck my eyes out! So even though they scare me I couldn't help but feeling sorry for this one, waiting for the rain to ease so he could try to find cover elsewhere and away from the crazy woman standing behind a glass door taking happy snaps.

He looks so sad :-(

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