
By Stace91

What you lookin at?

I was pretty certain that I wouldn't have been able to go outside this afternoon because I thought it would still be raining, so I hadn't really come up with an idea for my Blip... but when the sun decided it felt left out and came back to grace us all with it's UltraViolet presence, Stacy still had no idea.

So here is a picture of my budgie Casper :-) I love how birds can't look at you straight on, they have to give you the "What you talkin about Willis" look... dunno why but it cracks me up everytime!

It's not my best work, but he is pretty darn cute! And considering I have posted a few bird photos and I haven't always said the nicest things about them, I thought this would be a good way to balance that. Birds are nice... in cages... where they can't attack. ;-)

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